You are simply making your canvas bigger or smaller, allowing for more or less room.ġ) This is our picture, which is on a canvas in Photoshop.ģ) I like to switch my units to pixels (as all my documents use pixels). You can resize your canvas and whatever images you have (or text, etc) on your document will all stay the same size.
The painting isn’t a canvas, yet what he paints ON is a canvas. Think about it like this, a painter paints on a canvas. To resize the your canvas in Photoshop, is to change the current size of the document your working on, but not the image itself. What’s the difference between resizing the image and resizing the canvas in photoshop? It could mean the difference between an ugly, blurry image or an extremely large white background. This tech-recipe compares the two and describes how to perform each function. An area of major confusion affecting Photoshop beginners is knowing the difference between resizing the canvas and resizing an image.